With its overall history spanning more than 200 years, Indianapolis has a lot of long-established venues, with restaurants, bars, and pubs being at the very top of that list. We’ve decided to help our Hotel’s guest, who may be visiting the city for the first time in the intricate process...
Top Indiana Cities to See Besides Indianapolis and Fort Wayne
Indiana is basically a typical Midwestern state, with the cornfields or the highlands making up the terrain half by half. While the state is not very much populated outside of the Indianapolis metro area, there are still a lot of smaller towns that are totally worth paying a visit! Fort...
Best Things to See While Staying in Indianapolis
If you ask anyone in the US, what the city of Indianapolis is most famous for, most likely that person would tell you about the Indianapolis 500 car racing event, which he or she saw on TV… But in fact, besides hosting that motor racing bonanza annually, the city has...
Why the Victory Field baseball stadium is so small?
With its overall history spanning more than 200 years, Indianapolis has a lot of long-established venues, with restaurants, bars, and pubs being at the very top of that list. We’ve decided to help our Hotel’s guest, who may be visiting the city for the first time in the intricate process...
A Definitive Guide to the Best Dining and Drinking Venues in the City
With its overall history spanning more than 200 years, Indianapolis has a lot of long-established venues, with restaurants, bars, and pubs being at the very top of that list. We’ve decided to help our Hotel’s guest, who may be visiting the city for the first time in the intricate process...
Top Indiana Cities to See Besides Indianapolis and Fort Wayne
Indiana is basically a typical Midwestern state, with the cornfields or the highlands making up the terrain half by half. While the state is not very much populated outside of the Indianapolis metro area, there are still a lot of smaller towns that are totally worth paying a visit! Fort...
Best Things to See While Staying in Indianapolis
If you ask anyone in the US, what the city of Indianapolis is most famous for, most likely that person would tell you about the Indianapolis 500 car racing event, which he or she saw on TV… But in fact, besides hosting that motor racing bonanza annually, the city has...
Why the Victory Field baseball stadium is so small?
With its overall history spanning more than 200 years, Indianapolis has a lot of long-established venues, with restaurants, bars, and pubs being at the very top of that list. We’ve decided to help our Hotel’s guest, who may be visiting the city for the first time in the intricate process...